Shark of the Month
June 2021
Angular Roughshark

Photo credit: Featured Creature
Angular Roughshark
Oxynotus centrina
Quick Facts:
They have no commercial value in the Mediterranean because local fisherman think they’re bad luck.
Uniquely shaped rough-shark with huge knobs covered in dermal denticles over the eyes.
Located on continental shelves and upper slope from 50−780m. The most common at depths >100m.
To move, the Angular roughshark glides on the bottom, sometimes hovering over the sandy or muddy surfaces of the seabed.
In Angola, the litter size is around 7-8 pups. In the Mediterranean they have up to 23.
Have lanceolate upper teeth and blade-like lower teeth with 12 rows of teeth on either side.
They have a compressed body, triangular in cross section, with a broad and flattened head.
Location: Found in the eastern Atlantic, from Norway to South Africa and throughout the Mediterranean. Once present in the Adriatic and Aegean seas, but are now rare in these areas.
Length: 50-150cm (19-59 inches).
Age span: N/A.
Weight: N/A.
Conservation Status: Vulnerable.
Diet: Benthic worms, crustaceans, molluscs, and teleost fishes. Can predate on the contents of elasmobranch eggcases. Thought to be a suction feeder.
For more information on the Angular Roughshark, take a look at the following:
Previous Sharks of the Month