Shark of the Month
March 2021
Scalloped Hammerhead
Photo credits: Galapagos Conservation Trust
Scalloped Hammerhead
Sphyrna lewini
Live in large schools of up to hundreds of sharks
They get caught in nets easily because of their head shape
Their litter sizes are large, ranging from 12 to 40 pups
Get their name from the scalloped edge on the front of their hammer shaped head
They have a sensory organ called ampullae of Lorenzini which are electroreceptors that help them hunt for prey
Location: Coastal warm, temperate, and tropical seas around the world
Length: 4.3 meters (154 feet)
Age span: 15 to 30 years
Weight: Up to 335 pounds (~152 kg)
Conservation Status: Critically endangered
Diet: Stingray, mackerel, herring, sardines, fish, cephalopods, other sharks (smaller)
For more information on the Scalloped Hammerhead, take a look at the following: